We help brands become legends through sincere, artful storytelling…without artful egos.
That starts with acquiring an expert-level understanding of your business. We do our homework. Become fluent in your language. Study your customers (existing and potential). Uncover your pain points, then scream in sympathy as we push hard on them. Basically, we become a member of the family. One that
you actually like...but who regularly asks for money. Gotta keep the lights on.
The result of all of this bonding time is the development of a consistent, replicable storytelling voice for your business. A voice that is authentic, relatable and most importantly, convincing. Possibly snarky.
Our approach: cultivate real-life characters who are invested in your company’s outcomes and tell their
stories masterfully and resourcefully - producing deliverables in consumable formats for social media and beyond.
Before you know it, you trust the hell out of us. Maybe even love the hell out of us. Give us free rein to
go out and find amazing, relevant stories. Stories with real people. Your greatest advocates.
What do you say, fam?
Let’s tell great stories together. Celebrate success together. Grow old together.

A Few of
Our Faves
These are the ideas we turned into stories that give us the feels. They’re our babies that we sent out into the real world. Made for unforgettable production memories. Elicited client happiness. Most of all, delivered a powerful message.
Animation &
Motion Design
It’s equal parts thrilling and infuriating. Laborious yet rewarding. To us, Animation and Motion Design is a rip-your-hair-out-but- love-every-millisecond-of-it journey. No, we’re not masochists, we’re just meticulous—however, deep down we enjoy the burn of flexing our creative muscles (and we never skip leg day).
Branded Content &
Timbre. It’s more than just a fancy word that we totally use all the time and definitely didn’t just discover it a few minutes ago on
Basically, timbre means the character of your voice. It’s the perfect word to describe delivering great brand messaging with the right voice. A voice that gives folks the warm n’ fuzzies, the laugh-out-louds, the chills, whichever sensation you’re going for. We’ll bring the megaphone (unless you’re in the megaphone business, in which case you bring it).

Meet our clients
Clients partner with us for our storytelling prowess. Added bonus? Our hyphen game is oh-so strong: We’re a forward-thinking, idea-bringing, value-driven, globally-experienced, video-production company based in Chicago’s Ravenswood neighborhood. We’re eager to tell more engaging, perspective-shifting stories (had to sneak one more in there).